Monday 2 March 2015

Where to start with SEO?

Search engine optimistation can be seen as an confusion to many and even difficult to implement whether its an e-commerce website, a blog regarding reflections or specialty of an particular subject. Search engine optimisation is a complex process that involves complex algorithms that define where and when web resources are listed on search engine stacked results. The higher placed results tend to better their chances of being successful and guaranteed higher traffic volumes flowing their way.

Without conforming to SEO standards there is no promise your website or web application will be viewed or accessible. This is why it is better to follow SEO principles.

SEOs rely on user experience behaviours. Setting up false search result hits for clients to browse will result in actions being taken by search engine key figures. Drop in ranking, or being removed from a particular engine. Bounce rate is a term used in the SEO world where a measure of traffic flow is monitored, analysed and recorded by search engines and are part and parcel of their complex algorithm structure.  Algorithms that are configured and used by search engines are so hard to break i.e. comprehend that they are re-configured on a daily basis making them more versatile to hack i.e. pertain to.

If SEO's are to darn hard to understand how does one implement good SEO? search engines have made it clear that user experience/feedback counts for a well formed search result. This is done through clear and concise key terms/key tags that are used to describe publishers content. Search engines depend on accurate enough information distributed over the internet. And if a publishers tags do not clearly refer to their listed content then search vendors will pick up on such falsehoods. Through time spent on your website to the amount of links users visited. These calculations will be quickly picked up on. A term such as "adopt kitten Glasgow" typed in Google search for example returns a an estimated result of 353,000. Where as the second result conducted resulted in six precise organic result being made not including advertisement paid results. What is the difference between both conducted searches apart from the number of returns?  Have a look below.

Using quotation marks returns a more user defined result. As you can see from both screen captures. Implementing quotation marks highlights to the search engine that you want specific keywords to be the basis of online queried content.  

Apart from well defined keywords that may be found in your website. Studying competition is one of the core principles of business being noticed, standing out from the rest, being successful. Looking at what competitors offer to clients is a starting point... Examining their web pages, structure and whole philosophy will give you an idea on what you can do to better the competition. Brain storming ideas will only increase creativity and have a positive outlook in business concepts.  

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