Friday 27 February 2015

Google Analytics

What is Google Analytics? Can it help your medium i.e. business? In this post we examine Google's very own answer to search engine optimisation.

Google Analytics in short is a tool for web, mobile and software developers or anyone in fact,  that has a website, blog or application that has capabilities of tracking the position of visiting clients.

Google acquired Urchin Software Corp. in April 2005 and a year later implemented their very on polished version of Urchin's web statical tracking program. If you come from a software development background or may I say a networking post, then you will know exactly what and how web resources may be logged from one spectrum to another. Google also purchased Adaptive Path a "user experience company" founded in 2001 and released their very first product called: Measure Map that collects web traffic from subscribers and presents their incoming data in a more user friendly manner. Sound familiar?  That's right, Google took both ideas and combined them as a whole functioning application.

Releasing Google Analytics in 2006 seen a storm before the calm. At that time, all developers that were offering tracking services were charging users fee for their expertise. This seen a soar of overload on Google's very own servers. In their first week of offering clients their very own Google Analytics. Google's data farms could not cope with the level of high demand traffic, deleting users account after a weeks of sign-up.


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